MAJOR BITES SI 104, g. Dyna Mo Rime by Major Rime (11 wins to 7, $828,398 AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Gelding, 1st-Zia Park Championship-G1, 1st-Namehimastreaker New Mexico Cup Quarter Horse Championship-G1, 1st-NameHimAStreaker New Mexico Classic Championship [R] -G1, 1st-Jess Burner Memorial H.-G1, etc.) | COLBY JAMES SI 112, g. Sandy June Bug by Blushing Bug (8 wins to 5, $550,168 1st-Mountain Top New Mexico Quarter Horse Futurity-G2, 1st-Red or Green S.-G2, 1st-Dona Ana County H., 1st-Jimmy Drake S., etc.) | OSBALDO SI 109, h. Shes So Blazin by Chicks a Blazin (12 wins to 8, $456,878 New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Stallion, 1st-Jess Burner Memorial H.-G1, 1st-New Mexican Spring Futurity-G2, 1st-New Mexico Breeders' Futurity-G2, 1st-Lineage Championship S.-G3, etc.) | PISTOLPACKING PEPSI SI 103, g. Wave of Pepsi by Bill Cole (12 wins to 6, $451,703 Central Hi-Point Aged Gelding, 1st-Miss Roxie Little Futurity, 1st-Blue River Derby., 1st- Sterlie Bertram Memorial S., 1st-Bob Woodard Memorial Classic S., etc.) | MARCUS MEDALLION SI 111, g. Houstons Medallion by Mr Houston (8 wins to 9, $415,403 New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Gelding, 1st-Zia H.-G2, 1st-First Moonflash Maturity, 1st-Dona Ana County Handicap S. [R] , 2nd-Zia Park Championship S.-G1, etc.) | ASTICA SI 110, m. Alice K White by First Down Dash (9 wins to 4, $411,623 AQHA Racing Champion Three-year-old Filly, 1st-New Mexico Fillies and Mares Championship S.-G1, 1st-Zia Derby-G2, 1st-Lou Wooten / Sydney Valentini H.-G2, 1st-First Moonflash S., etc.) | PRINCESS JESSE SI 97, m. Total Miracle by Dean Miracle (9 wins to 5, $395,665 New Mexico Hi-Point Three-Year-Old Filly, 1st-Lou Wooten and Sydney Valentini H.-G2, 1st-Zia H.-G2, 1st-Sunburst S.-G3, 1st-New Mexico State Fair Breeders' Derby, etc.) | CINCO MENUDOS SI 106, g. Uno Menudo by Dash Ta Fame (12 wins to 8, $383,247 1st-Namehimastreaker NM Classic Championship [R] -G1, 1st-New Mexico Breeders Championship-G3, 2nd-Zia H.-G2, etc.) | PERCYJONES SI 108, g. Maggies Miracle Lx by Dean Miracle (8 wins to 5, $369,133 1st-Zia Derby-G2, 2nd-Mountain Top Futurity-G3, 2nd-Jess Burner Memorial Handicap S., 3rd-Texas Classic Futurity-G1, etc.) | PICK YOUR POUR SI 105, g. Tangled Vines by Dash Ta Fame (6 wins to 4, $368,761 1st-Mountain Top Futurity-G2, 1st-Jess Burner S., 2nd-Zia Futurity-G1, 2nd-Zia Derby-G2, etc.) | JESSE LANE SI 98, g. Champagne Lane by Lanes Leinster (5 wins to 5, $304,123 1st-New Mexico Classic Derby [R] -G2, 1st-All American Juvenile S., 2nd-Zia Futurity-G1, etc.) | PLAY MISTY FOREME SI 102, g. Arbor Mist by Blushing Bug (7 wins to 5, $296,616 New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Gelding, 1st-Jess Burner Memorial H.-G1, 1st-Zia Derby-G2, 2nd-Namehimastreaker New Mexico Cup Quarter Horse Championship-G1, 2nd-First Moonflash M., etc.) | JUNIOR JUNE BUG SI 99, h. Sandy June Bug by Blushing Bug (6 wins to 4, $289,078 1st-Zia Derby-G3, 1st-Mountain Top Futurity, 2nd-New Mexican Spring Futurity-G2, etc.) | JESSES WISH SI 104, g. Wish You Had One To by Stel Corona (4 wins to 5, $282,767 1st-New Mexican Spring Futurity-G2, 1st-Pepsi Cola H.-G2, 2nd-Red or Green S.-G2, 2nd-New Mexico Breeders S.-G3, etc.) | ZEE JAMES SI 101, m. On a Bunny by On a High (6 wins to 4, $271,496 1st-New Mexican Spring Futurity [R] -G2, etc.) | JESS GOT ISSUES SI 103, g. Yo Mamma Got Issues by Chicks a Blazin (7 wins to 6, $266,356 1st-Mesilla Valley Speed H.-G2, 2nd-Namehimastreaker NM Classic Championship [R] -G1, 2nd-Zia H.-G2, 2nd-Lineage Championship S.-G3, etc.) | JESS RUEBEN JAMES SI 96, g. Nitros Cash by Dash for Destiny (3 wins to 7, $255,439 New Mexico Hi-Point Three-Year-Old Gelding, 1st-New Mexico Classic Derby-G2, 1st-New Mexico Breeders' S.-G2, 2nd-Jess Burner Memorial H.-G1, 2nd-Animas S., etc.) | SANDYS JESSE SI 93, m. Sandys Fame by Dash Ta Fame (6 wins to 6, $250,529 New Mexico Hi-Point Three-Year-Old Filly, 1st-New Mexico HBA S.-G2, 1st-Sunburst S., 2nd-Mesilla Valley Speed H.-G2, 2nd-New Mexico Breeders' S.-G2, etc.) | JESS CRUZIN ON BY SI 98, h. Woodbridge Duchess by Woodbridge (6 wins to 4, $234,292 1st-New Mexican Spring F.-G2, 2nd-Mesilla Valley Speed H.-G2, 2nd-Dona Ana County S., 3rd-Mountain Top Futurity-G3, etc.) | REX HILL SI 108, h. Tangled Vines by Dash Ta Fame (5 wins to 5, $226,151 New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Stallion, 1st-New Mexico Breeders' Futurity-G3, 1st-New Mexican Spring Fling, 2nd-New Mexico State Fair Quarter Horse Breeders Derby-G3, 2nd-Zoom Zoom Zoom S., etc.) |