2010, Stallion
Coronas Leaving You x In the Open, by Mr Eye Opener

2025 FEE: $2,500
Accredited Wyoming Bred Stallion, Beehive, Bitterroot,
and Wyoming Stallion Futurity.

Property of: Jason L. Berry
(801) 471-8330

Open Me A Corona
Standing At:
Woods Farm
260 Home Stretch, Bear River, WY 82930 US

Inquiries to:
Trent Woods, Owner  
(307) 696-9264

Open Me A Corona's Top Performers
A DOUBLE CORONA SI 105, g. Corona Dashin Bye by Dashin Bye (4 wins to 4, $363,795 1st-LQHBA Sale Futurity-G1, 3rd-LQHBA Louisiana Million Futurity-G1, etc.)
ONE COOL CORONA SI 94, g. Pm Oh Shez Fast by Heza Fast Dash (3 wins to 3, $234,629 1st-LQHBA Sale Futurity-G1, etc.)
OPEN YOUR ON CORONA SI 95, g. Dash Lady Love by Dash Thru Traffic (5 wins to 6, $84,600 etc.)
HEMP N MY CORONA SI 95, g. Flamboyant Chick by Toast to Dash (4 wins to 5, $75,004 etc.)
OPEN JESSIES CORONA SI 100, g. Govoner Jessie by Fly Jess Fly (4 wins to 4, $71,418 1st-Jesse Yoakum Memorial 870 S., etc.)
LIL TOO DIRTY SI 88, g. Lil Prairie Maid by American Champ (4 wins to 4, $67,505 2nd-Mid City S.-G3, etc.)
BYE CORONA SI 101, g. Corona Dashin Bye by Dashin Bye (3 wins to 4, $67,040 2nd-Louisiana Champions Day Derby-G3, 2nd-Louisiana Downs Lip Chip LLC. S., etc.)
MY CORONA BLUES SI 90, g. Sayin the Blues by Jess Louisiana Blue (3 wins to 5, $61,995 etc.)
IVESEENWHATYOUCANDO SI 89, f. Blues Cartel by Jess Louisiana Blue (4 wins to 4, $61,285 etc.)
WHITEWING CORONA SI 101, f. Dove Creek by One Famous Eagle (2 wins to 3, $56,955 etc.)
MERCIE ME SI 92, m. Dash Lady Love by Dash Thru Traffic (3 wins to 4, $56,405 etc.)
HA CHI CORONA SI 94, f. Ha Chi Mama by Azoom (2 wins to 4, $45,891 etc.)
CRIMSON CASH SI 95, m. Zoom in On Me by Shazoom (2 wins to 4, $44,944 etc.)
COURAGE TO CORONA SI 85, c. Courage to All by Captain Courage (2 wins to 2, $44,800 etc.)
PLAYIN QUARTERS SI 99, f. Himaintenancegal by Dean Miracle (2 wins to 3, $43,498 2nd-Four Corners Futurity, etc.)
CORONAS MARGARITA SI 87, m. Pyc Paint Alis Wagon by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (3 wins to 4, $40,042 2nd-Old South Futurity, etc.)
SQEEZE THE LIME SI 88, g. Dashing Lil Sister by Toast to Dash (2 wins to 4, $38,440 etc.)
SAN LORENZO ROSE SI 93, f. Rosouti by Agouti (2 wins to 3, $35,600 etc.)
JW CORONA DRESSED SI 92, g. Ew Comment by Heza Fast Man (1 wins to 3, $34,292 etc.)
PATTYS CORONA SI 87, f. Pattymegone by Game Patriot (1 wins to 3, $34,250 etc.)
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Open Me A Corona's Weekly Progeny Recap
No Weekly Progeny Recap for the week of 2/3/2025 to 2/10/2025           Return to top of page
Open Me A Corona's Last 12 months Progeny Recap

Open Me A Corona's Race Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned
Totals 21 16(13)11(1)$929,150
AQHA Racing Champion Aged Stallion, 1st-LQHBA Breeders Futurity(G1), 1st-Louisiana Classic S.(G2), 1st-Louisiana Champions Day Classic S.(G2), 1st-Louisiana Classic S.(G2), 1st-Louisiana Champions Day Classic S.(G2), 1st-Vals Fortune S.(G2), 1st-John Alleman Memorial S.(G3), 1st-John Alleman Memorial S.(G3), 1st-Opelousas S., 1st-Lakeview S., 1st-Gentilly Dash S., 1st-Mr. Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S., 1st-Mr Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S., 3rd-Eastex S.(G2), Finalist in Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby(G2), Finalist in Opelousas S., Finalist in Amelia Belle S., Finalist in Louisiana Bred Laddie Futurity(G2), Finalist in John Alleman Memorial S.(G3)
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Open Me A Corona's Pedigree
Open Me a CoronaCoronas Leaving YouCorona CartelHolland Ease
Corona Chick
Lil Bit RustyEasily Smashed
Rusty Rockette
In the OpenMr Eye OpenerDash for Cash
Ocean MemoriesLeaving Memories
In the Curl

Open Me a Corona
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Open Me A Corona's Catalog Page

Open Me A Corona

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