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EDMOND, OK–JANUARY 13, 2025–The Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association sent out a reminder today that sustaining payments and late nominations for the Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Futurity, Derby and Oaks, Oklahoma Futurity and Derby, Black Gold Futurity and Black Gold Fillies are due on January 15.
In addition, first nomination payments for the Mystery Futurity and Derby are due on January 15th as well. CLICK HERE for full details on all OQHRA nomination payments and stakes race details.
The $1,100,000-estimated Oklahoma Bred Futurity [RG1] is a 330-yard race for Accredited Oklahoma-bred two year olds of 2023. The trials will be held on April 4-5. The $100,000-guaranteed Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Juvenile will be available for the ten fastest times that did not qualify to the futurity.
The $182,500-estimated Oklahoma Bred Derby [RG1] is a 400-yard race for Accredited Oklahoma-bred three year olds of 2022. The trials will be held on April 6. The $182,500-estimated Oklahoma Bred Oaks [R] is a 400-yard race for Accredited Oklahoma-bred three year old fillies of 2022. The trials will be held on April 6.
The finals for the 2025 Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Futurity, Derby and Oaks will be held on April 19 at Remington Park.
The $100,000-added Oklahoma Futurity [G2] is a 300-yard race open to two year olds of 2023. The trials will be held on March 7. The $50,000-guaranteed Remington Park Juvenile will be available for the ten fastest times that did not qualify to the futurity.
The $100,000-added Oklahoma Derby [G3] is a 350-yard race open to three year olds of 2022. The trials will be held on March 7. The 2025 Remington Park Futurity and Derby finals will be held on March 22 at Remington Park.
The $540,000+-estimated Black Gold Championship Futurity [RG3] is a 400-yard race open to two year old colts and geldings of 2023 and the trials will be held on October 27. The $540,000+-estimated Black Gold Championship Fillies Futurity [RG3] is a 400-yard race open to two year old fillies of 2023 and the trials are running on October 26. Both races are held at Will Rogers Downs and the finals will run on November 11.
The $175,000-estimated Mystery Futurity [RG2] is a 350-yard race for Accredited Oklahoma-bred two year olds of 2023. The trials will be held on September 8. The $75,000-estimated Mystery Derby is a 350-yard race for Accredited Oklahoma-bred three year olds of 2022. The trials will be held on October 27. Both races are held at Will Rogers Downs and the finals will run on November 11.
Click the race below for the specific nomination form:
Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Futurity [RG1]
Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Derby [RG1]
Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Oaks
Remington Park Oklahoma Futurity [G2]
Remington Park Oklahoma Derby [G3]
Black Gold Championship Futurity [RG3]
Black Gold Championship Black Gold Fillies [RG3]
Mystery Futurity [RG2]
Mystery Derby
Recurring payments will be automatically deducted on the 15th of each month. If you need to drop your horse from the race or stop the automatic deduction, notify OQHRA in writing 5 days prior to the payment due date. Please contact OQHRA office if you would like to request a recurring credit card form.
Payments for each race must be postmarked by January 15th. Please mail payments to OQHRA, P.O. Box 2907, Edmond, OK 73083 or call their office at 405-216-0440 to pay by card. If you would like to receive payment reminders and important updates regarding Oklahoma Racing, text “RaceOK” to +1 (405) 266-9219.
CLICK HERE to view the 2025 Oklahoma racing stakes schedule at Remington Park, Fair Meadows in Tulsa and Will Rogers Downs.
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