11/05/24 00:05:44
ET equineline.com Product
501Q - ApolliticalJess
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Statistical summary for the Quarter Horse progeny of Apollitical Jess-QH:
13 crops
1433 foals
11 crops of racing age
1274 foals of racing age
122 current 2 year old foals
135 yearlings
24 weanlings
13 champions
67 graded blktype/stk winners
77 blktype/stk winners
65 blktype/stk placers
28 grade 1 stakes winners
21 grade 2 stakes winners
18 grade 3 stakes winners
20 grade 1 stakes placers
12 grade 2 stakes placers
20 grade 3 stakes placers
59 grade 1 stakes finalists
36 grade 2 stakes finalists
24 grade 3 stakes finalists
156 stakes finalists
892 Total ROMs
721 Two year old ROMs
296 80+ SI
449 90+ SI
174 100+ SI
32 Superior Race Awards
1 World Championships
1 World Champions
25 Regional Championships
25 Regional Champions
Lifetime Current Current Lifetime
Year 2-Year-Olds 2-Year-Olds
Foals of Racing Age 1,274 1,274 122 1,274
Starters(/foals of RA) 1,085(85%) 266(21%) 101(83%) 1,040(82%)
Winners (/starters) 759(70%) 147(55%) 45(45%) 501(48%)
Blktype/stks Winners
(/starters) 144(13%) 18(7%) 4(4%) 54(5%)
Blktype/stks Placers
(/starters) 117(11%) 25(9%) 9(9%) 85(8%)
Starts 11,535 1,197 464 5,015
Wins (/starts) 2,040(18%) 218(18%) 72(16%) 775(15%)
Placings (/starts) 3,165(27%) 317(26%) 127(27%) 1,369(27%)
Earnings $72,663,981 $6,608,848 $2,516,295 $30,203,992
Avg Earnings
/starter $66,971 $24,845 $24,914 $29,042
Avg Earnings /start $6,299 $5,521 $5,423 $6,023
Median Earnings $17,850
Avg Earnings Index 2.88 2.09 1.96 2.40
Comparable Index 2.14